Tuesday, 4 September 2018


I cannot believe it.... my final semester!  Just the small matter of completing PME831 and PME842 (oh, ya... there is still work to be done).

PME833 Critical and Creative Thinking and PME842 Component Skills are very different set of courses for me, shifting my focus from the classroom specialist focus to a more general set of skills, and of course literacy-based curriculum.  This should be a fun change of pace!

I just found out that I have to wait for a spring graduation.  While this is a bit of a disappointment to not have a graduation soon after I complete my courses, the delayed gratification will no doubt put me in a reflective mode.  Over the last 8 courses I have learned the value of reflection and it's role in the learning process.  We speed through life having experiences but never pausing to think of what they mean and how they have made us grow personally and professionally.  Hitting pause, thinking and thanking is truly a key for me- it allows life to not slip by while I pursue my goals.

I got an update with program stats that really made me reflect on my unusual path.  PME has 509 current students in the program - 467 PME students and 42 GDPI students and 114 students who have graduated  from the program – with another 49 ready to graduate in the fall!  Maybe in the spring I will be amoung the first 200 graduates of this program.  Wow.  That's cool.  

Reflecting on learning is meant to stir up feelings.  I am feeling humbled and grateful.  I know I could not have done this without the support of my beloved family/friends and my wonderful employer and the all of the dedicated professors who have all invested in me.  You have been my rock and put up with the havoc I have created while pursuing this goal that once seemed so distant.  I truly could not have gotten this far without the tremendous support and love that have been in my corner.  You have energized me for the last leg of a long and exciting journey!

Final semester?  Bring it on!

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Brrr! Winter 2018 Semester

Well, I am now at the mile marker of courses 7&8 and I feeling pretty stoked.... which is good because it is a chilly start to the semester!

See sidebars for Winter 2018 content:

PME 831:  Innovative Curriculum Planning
PME 832:  The Connected Classroom

Thursday, 28 September 2017

803 Module 1: Learning Plan for Confidence


My learning plan can be found on the Padlet link below:

(sources appear below and at the end of the learning plan).


Which aspects of leadership are more inborn traits, and which are skills that can be learned?  It would seem that most traits can be learned, but some traits come naturally to some while others have to have conscious effort and experience to become more natural. 

In looking at various sites reference below, here is my list of skills and traits. 



Ability to delegate



Positive attitude

Self assured


Emotionally stable



Socially Bold

Shares vision

Shares action

High energy





Leverage strengths

Manages transition



Able to navigate




Balances own needs

Problem solving skills
Gives back

Has vision





Socially aware


Alex, Aura.  (2015, May 5).  7 leadership traits we can learn from female elephants.  LinkedIn.  Retrived from:  https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/7-leadership-traits-we-can-learn-from-female-elephants-aura-alex

Farrell, Rachel.  (2011, August 3).  23 traits of good leaders.   CNN.  Retrieved from:  http://www.cnn.com/2011/LIVING/08/03/good.leader.traits.cb/index.html

Levy, M., Bailie, C. Joon Ha J., Rosenfeld, J.  (2014, May 14).   Make your body language your super-power.   You Tube:  Standford School of Business.  Retrieved from:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFLjudWTuGQ

Prive, Tanya.  (2012, December 2012).  Top 10 qualities that make a great leader.  Forbes.  Retrieved from:  https://www.forbes.com/sites/tanyaprive/2012/12/19/top-10-qualities-that-make-a-great-leader/#8ec813d77549

Reeve, S.  Tooting your own horn worksheet.  Self Esteem Experts.  Retrieved from:  http://www.self-esteem-experts.com/support-files/tootyourhornworksheet.pdf
Robbins, Tony.   6 Basic leadership qualities.  Tony Robbins Website.  Retrieved from:  https://www.tonyrobbins.com/career-business/6-basic-leadership-qualities/
 SoulPancake (2015, Jan 19).  The story of Martin Luther King Jr. by Kid President.  YouTube- SoulPancake.  Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xXZhXTFWnE
Traits of a leader:  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.   Penn State Psych 485 Blog.  Retrieved from:  https://sites.psu.edu/leadership/2016/10/23/the-traits-of-a-leader-dr-martin-luther-king-jr/

Walter, Ekaterina.   (2013, March 24). Huffington Post.  Retrived from:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ekaterina-walter/leadership-qualities-

Thursday, 21 September 2017


Fall Semester Begins!

As usual, I am not sure yet how my blog will best serve the content in these courses, so I am going to keep a special page, just for the courses.

PME 810 
PME 803

See right toolbar.

My first order of business for 810 assignment is otherwise known as embarrassing attempt at singing my introduction to my fellow students.
Disclaimer:  you may want ear protection for what happens next!


Sending wishes for a happy and positive semester for everyone!

Tuesday, 11 July 2017


I am now just over a week into my 3rd and 4th courses in GDPI and I can certainly tell these courses are compressed from 10 weeks into 7 weeks!  This is going to be a wild ride!

For the first time, I am taking two courses at a time and I didn't want my blog posts to be inter-mingled and confuse those with whom I am collaborating with my comments on two separate courses.  So, I set out to find a way.

You will notice that I have a left side-bar and can now have pages and subpages set out for both courses.  Crossing my fingers that this works.  It would be really cool to keep all of my PME coursework in one blog.  

Once I am done it would represent all of the work that has gone into my Master's studies, brick by brick.  I have been to thesis burning parties in the past... the idea of hitting delete on a blog seems somehow less satisfying!

Tuesday, 14 March 2017


I just had to share this FORBES article on my blog.  In the article was an important  new idea of innovation ghat I had not yet considered in the context of innovation:  how emotions play into the innovation process.  The article explains that we live in a world of data and information.  I believe that the article is saying that information is not new and innovation is becoming reliant on false intelligence, but what cannot be faked is human emotion.  

"Innovation is not just a cognitive process. It’s emotional. It requires doing something new or novel, and that can be scary because it requires the courage to enter the unknown and it involves learning from experimental failures. Many of us learned as children that success comes from making the fewest mistakes. We learned to avoid making mistakes and looking stupid. We also developed emotional defensives to protect our views of ourselves – to protect our ego. Protecting our ego and fear are the two big emotional inhibitors of innovation" (Hess).

The article goes on to describe what creates and detracts from the emotional energy needed to innovate.  Hess explains that innovation depends on positive emotions and can weaken in the presence of negative emotions. I believe wholeheartedly that this is true.  Yet, I think that companies often put undue stress on their employees to innovate under the gun.  This may, in fact, produce results, but I am not convinced that it produces the best results.  So, how to companies apply just the right positive pressure to create motivation?   By creating the right climate to produce innovation, realizing the dichotomy of emotions:

"Innovation happens best when we reduce our fears and ego defensiveness thereby freeing our minds to imagine, create, connect, and explore the new and unknown with others in a non-competitive way. That happens best when people feel psychologically safe and trust each other. It is all about emotions" (Hess).

Hess, Ed.  (JAN 17, 2017).  Why emotions are the Secret Sauce of Innovation".  Forbes online:

How can individual workers LEARN to self regulate emotions to result in the best, most innovative results?
What can employees do to contribute to positive emotions in the workplace, when competitive times lead managers to apply pressure in negative ways?
What is the "Secret Sauce" of emotion at an individual level, rather than collective, and how can it be converted into positive innovation-friendly emotions?  What might employees need individually?

Sunday, 12 March 2017


My professional context includes helping youth to make the transition from school to work.
In the course of my work on a youth program, I came across this brief that highlighted innovative practises for making these transitions and I just loved the phrase used in brief:


I really like this phrasing.  I think that it points to a gap area that is important for those making transitions.  If we fail to ask questions of youth, while they are in the supportive communities that education creates, then how will they be prepared to make the giant leaps that are required when they graduate and the world doesn't provide them with pathways, learning outcomes or frames of inquiry that are needed to successfully transition?

This brief was intended to help those working with youth to engage in purposeful and positive work experiences to make the transition a positive step rather than a fearful leap.

In the brief there were a number of transitions considered for youth transition, including:
  • Internships 
  • Summer Jogs
  • Youth Run Business/ Entrepreurship
  • Service Projects
  • Part Time Jobs
  • Volunteerism 
  • Pre-employment Programs
  • Soft Skills Programs
  • Work Training Programs
With each of these opportunities to link learning to life, I believe there is a process of inquiry that is needed so that the opportunity does not pass without the student tuning into the learning that has occurred, or what is noticed about what is needed for future learning.  This is why I love the idea of cooperative education.  Students who gain work experience and are guided through a reflection process are most likely to retain the learning that can lead in the direction of the most personally interesting and fulfilling direction.

One of the programs I worked in in the past was called the Futures Program.  It was a completely in-school program for the first 6 weeks, as a paid pre-employment experience.  This program was discontinued eventually, but ran for many, many years.  In the time that it was discontinued, the need still existed and many youth struggled greatly with making transitions from school to work.  Having a community that required inquiry and reflection had a great deal of value for the youth involved who simply didn't know, what they didn't know about career planning, the world of work and the expectations of adult life.  I am so encouraged to see these programs, however the funder decides to revise them, being reintroduced. In an uncertain world, transitions are hard.  It is a cold world to realize that in high school there was a supportive community, but then you are on your own.

Given that we don't know what jobs will be beyond the next few years, how can we prepare our youth to be competitive in a labour market that is yet to exist?
How can we stress the importance of doing work that is personally fulfilling and meaningful when we know that income and stability is like a more basic need?
How can youth become more innovative and personally connected to the labour market, beyond the programs listed above?  How can education innovate to provide even more meaningful options to "link learning to life"?

Friday, 10 March 2017


I am certified to administer the most famous, reliable and valid personally assessment of all time:  The MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator). This is one of the subjects that I love to teach most because of the understanding of self and others that typically results.

One of the things that gets under my skin, professionally speaking, is when people talk about
"Creative Types".  This bugs me a bit because it assumes that some personality types are blessed with creativity and others are not.  This could not be further from the truth because ALL personality types have the ability to be creative.  As Segals so eloquently states it in her title, we all have "tools for understanding and inspiring- the many voices of creativity.

Just as voices differ, so do the many ways in which creativity can be expressed.  This can be unique to individuals or the type to which the individual belongs- there is no one standard in creativity.
What MBTI offers to the understanding of creativity and innovation is immeasurable!  The value is about knowing and honouring one's self and one's unique gifts.  It is also about doing the same for others.  When there is a theme of mutual respect, innovations and ping-pong off one another and become something even more brilliant than before.  That is, if people can creatively navigate and respect differences.

The natural next question would be how MBTI predicts the ways in which people will express their creativity.  It is most likely that the expression of creativity among the 16 unique types would be common in that most within that type are interested in the same thing, share the similar values, draw their energy from the same source, organize thoughts in a similar manner and notice similar things in any given situation

This is not to say that working to one's innate preferences and typical behaviours is the  ONLY way they can express creativity, but rather what ways will be their natural inclination to do so.  This can be enormously helpful for an individual to play to, and to mine for strengths, but also to see potential creative blindspots and to broaden the view, perhaps to request collaboration in order to mine for strengths in others.

So, which is the most creative personality type?  All of them!  The type of creativity, it's expression and output will be unique and wonderfully different.  Each personality type has creativity to spare, and should be treated as "THE CREATIVITY TYPE" that it is.  No one type owns creativity and it is so wonderful to know share our own unique brands with others.

Segal, Marci.  (2001).   Creativity and Personality Typle:  Tools for understanding and inspiring the many voices of creativity.  Telos Publications.

How can students grow to understand their own creativity types?
How can we brighten our type to consider other ways of expression?
In what ways can we value and benefit from creative types that are not our own preferred styles?

Thursday, 9 March 2017


Once upon a time, there was a simple workplace.  The manager was easy to spot, he was the one with gray hair.  Most the workers were similar in age to one another, going through the phases of life together, they understood each other very well.   People retired after a set number of years of service and they were replaced with those of a similar age and stage of life.   This story is not a tale of diversity- that is a chapter in another book.  This story is one of age profile.  It is a very short story because it lacks the specific kind of conflict that happens when people are in different stages of life or from different generations.

In another story, there are coworkers, of different generations.  They range in age from 16 years old to 80 years old.    The workers ages are, at least, shaped by the worldview of their generations.  In this span of time, there would be GenZ, Millenials, GenX, Baby Boomers and Vetrans.  If you think this is a fictional story, think again!  Go to any Walmart and you will see that the employee landscape is highly age diverse, which is fantastic from a diversity perspective, but somewhat concerning form a human relations perspective, if workers cannot navigate their expectations of others, their biases and their own self awareness.

What kind of biases?  Millenials may be judged as being tech obsessed, while Baby Boomers may be judged as disconnected from modern times and so on. 

I was once told that diversity is the golden ticket, as long as people can positively navigate their differences.  I think this is especially true when you consider innovation as a work output.  The value of having multiple points of view in any problem solving endeavour is a clear positive, but none of those gains can be realized unless biases are overcome.  Once the biases are set aside, then innovation can be realized.  This reminds me of my own definition of innovation in GDPI811, in which I emphasized that, in order to be innovative, an idea has had to have had third party validation.  This is where my ideas intersect with mutli-generations and innovation:  to get that validation, the idea needs to be understood and embraced by other team members.  I assert that this cannot be done with a barrier of bias.  If the bias is there, it squashes innovation and it leads to a lose-lose for the team.

So, what can be done?  I think that teams need to be given the opportunity to discover the generation gaps that exist, what enhancements come from this and the inherent risks.  Awareness is key.  Having managers who are as bias-free as possible is another important factor to having generational teams lead to innovation.  Teaching, through modelling accepting behaviours is another powerful consideration.

One of the things that I think teachers don’t get the opportunity to experience very much is the benefit of generational learning.  Does the first story sound familiar?  To teachers, it should…. It is the typical high school set up.  It used to be the classic workplace too.  But, times are changing and we need to find ways for our youth to acclimatize to this new reality.  And so, I leave you with a few questions:

How can we create opportunities for Millenials and GenZ’s to learn about the shared values and world views of Baby Boomers and Genx’s?
What are the job search and career planning implications for today’s youth?
How can we foster a sense of identity, without denying the need to embrace other worldviews?