Commitment to Standards of Practice


I wanted a graphical representation of the standards that should be used in guiding this evaluation so that it could be used as a tool for communicating the standards guiding quality throughout the evaluation process.  Using a video resource from Michael Quinn Patton and a standards communicated on the Evaluation Ontario website, I created a mental model of the standards guiding the evaluation.  Then, I used the resources listed at the end to guide me through the process of considering all of the necessary dimensions of standards of practice so that I could reflect and consider how my program will meet these standards.

Each of the building blocks of a solid evaluation structure for program evaluation have been considered are outlined in detail below.  Adjustments can be made during the evaluation process, based on process use knowledge gained.

Quality Evaluation Planning
Standards of Practice and Guiding Principles for the Evaluation



1.   Evaluator Credibility:  This evaluation will be overseen by those trained and knowledgeable in evaluation practices.  
2.   Attention Stakeholders:  This evaluation will involve stakeholders and primary users from the beginning to follow up stage of the evaluation by inviting stakeholders to participate in open discussion forum and formal feedback mechanisms like surveys and brainstorming sessions. 
3.   Negotiated Purposes:  This evaluation will identify and reassess needs of, and with stakeholders by checking in with stakeholders during interactions and allowing for feedback through our website. 
4.   Explicit Values:  This evaluation will be transparent in it’s core values., as identified on website, during service and in meetings.
5.   Relevant Information:  This evaluation will serve the needs identified by the stakeholders by inquiring to the needs and checking if the methods used are meeting the needs.
6.   Meaningful Process and Products:  This evaluation will encourage ongoing understanding of the program and process of evaluation  by engaging with staff and primary users to uncover meaning. 
7.   Timely and Appropriate Communicating and Reporting:  Evaluations ensure timely and appropriate reporting by using email alerts to drive primary users to report release on the website.  Social media will also point toward use.
8.   Concern for Consequences and Influence:  Report findings will be presented as evidence is gathered, without altering or omitting content for any other reason beyond legal requirements (personal privacy, for example).


1.   Project Management:  This evaluation will use Trello project management software to ensure tasks are assigned and completed as desgined.
2.   Practical Procedures:  This evaluation will take into consideration what is practical from te primary user’s point of view.  For example, student availability for meetings would indicate times for meetings, interviews and brainstorming sessions. 
3.   Contextual Viability:  This evaluation will engage the assistance of the College Diversity Coordinator as an added safeguard to ensure cultural needs and political interests are in appropriate balance. 
4.   Resource Use:  This evaluation will engage the College sustainability committee to ensure efficient use of resources and minimization of energy use. 


1.   Responsive and Inclusive Orientation:  This evaluation will not limit participation with any primary user or stakeholder who wishes to appropriately participate. 
2.   Formal Agreement:  This evaluation will endeavour to meet the cultural needs and expectations of clients and stakeholders by putting into place confidential feedback mechanisms on the program evaluation website.
3.   Human Rights and Respect:  This evaluation will designed in a respectful manner that protects human rights.  Feedback regarding concerns will be encouraged.
4.   Clarity and Fairness:  This evaluation will use plain language and will seek advice from Literacy partners to ensure the wording is inclusive, fair and clear.
5.   Transparency and Disclosure:  This evaluation will ensure that findings are not withheld from any stakeholder, client or primary user, unless required by law.
6.   Conflicts of Interests:  This evaluation will be open to conversations and clarifications of conflicts of interest or potential for conflicts of interest. 
7.   Fiscal Responsibilities:  This evaluation will minimize costs in compliance with College Finance Policy. 


1.   Justified Conclusions and Decisions:  This evaluation will adequately justify conclusions and decisions in order to ensure cultural and contextual sensitivity.
2.   Valid Information:  This evaluation will ensure validity by serving the purpose for the evaluation as defined in the consultation phase. 
3.   Reliable Information:  This evaluation will use standard assessment and input practices to ensure that the information is dependable.
4.   Explicit Program and Context Descriptions:  This evaluation will use documentation that is clear and concise, but with enough detail to communicate the full scope.
5.   Information Management:  This evaluation will adhere to Ministry policy with the physical and virtual safety of data within the evaluation.
6.   Sound Design and Analyses:  This evaluation will be designed in such a manner that the questions are asked with consistency, the consultation remains open and the data is complied appropriately for analysis
7.   Explicit Evaluation Reasoning:  This evaluation will compile findings of themes, cross tabulations and numerical findings in such a way that it is most clearly communicated, including graphic representation, whenever possible.
8.   Communicating and Reporting:  This evaluation will endeavour to report finding without bias or misrepresentions. 


1.   Competence:  The evaluator will be skilled and knowledgeable in evaluation structure and implementation, as demonstrated by formal education and experience in the field, preferably within the context of social service delivery of employment programming.  The evaluator will have a commitment to ongoing learning and will belong to evaluation communities for continuous improvement and networking benefits.

2.   Integrity:  The evaluator will have demonstrated personal integrity in relationships with stakeholders, as evidenced to commitment to the evaluation and it’s process.   The evaluator will have no conflict of interest and will be sensitive to the cultural and social environment in which the evaluation takes place. The evaluator will seek truth and enlightenment in the evaluation process and will not misuse process or findings data in any way.  The evaluator will report the facts and the context in which the facts were gathered.

3.   Accountability:  The evaluator will take ownership over his/her performance and results.  The evaluator will be accountable for being socially and culturally responsible, drawing on the expertise of college departments when needed for guiding principles.  Evaluators will be accountable for spending and managing budgets appropriately.  Evaluators will be sensitive to the use of time as a resource and allocate it appropriately.


1.   Timely:  This evaluation will ensure quality standards by releasing weekly findings to the evaluation website and not withholding knowledge gathered from process or findings.  Trello software will prompt the action for updating website and for updating social media updates. 

2.   Relevant:  This evaluation will be committed to being relevant in process and findings by investing in early consultation with stakeholders, then being flexible in the process evaluation to change course, in order to keep the evaluation relevant to primary users and stakeholders.  Feedback mechanisms of open dialogue, welcomed feedback and technology (Survey Monkey) will support the dialogue about evaluation relevance. 


1.   Findings Use:  This evaluation                                                                                                                                                                                                                      will make finding transparent and will explain the context and process used for the findings in a clear and concise manner.  The evaluation will guard against misuse of findings, mischievous use, misevaluation or non use by making the expectations known during the initial consultation process, ensuring that primary users meet commitments of process use findings and by follow-up up after the evaluation to ensure meaningful use.

2.   Process Use:  This evaluation will fully endeavour to build relationships with primary users in order offer a reflective view of the program, the organization, communication styles, structure and values during the evaluation process.  The evaluation will guide against misuse by ensuring that the process does not suppress information, allow mischievous use, misevaluate or in any way condone non-use of process findings. 


Evaluating Ethics, politics, standards and guiding principles.  Better Evaluation [Website].  Retrieved from:

Fitzpatrick, Worthen & Sanders.  (2007) Evaluation ethics, politics and guiding principles.  International program for development evaluation and training (703-733). Retrieved from:

Shulha, L. & Cousins, B.  (1997).  Evaluation use:  theory, research and practice since 1986.  Evaluation Practice.  Volume 18 (3).  (195-208).

Standards and Guidelines.  Evaluation Ontario  [Website].  Retrieved from:  http://www.evaluationontarioca/membership/standards-guidelines/

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