Tammy The Collaborator

Grrrrr..... I used a fun new technology (to me!) and created a GoAnimate video of as a collaborator.  It is no longer on GoAnimate.  Go figure- it's gone!  This is heartbreaking because it took me for-ever to work with the collaboration concept and new technology at the same time.  I think my 14 day trial expired and poof it was gone. 

But, then I remember that I video taped it in case it got inadvertently deleted after working on it.  Ooops!  The video must have gotten turned off mid-taping because it only has me explaining that I was using this as a back up plan.  Frustrating!!!  So much for that idea.  And, so I learn some more about how to do it better next time.  

For trouble shooting, here is (or should I say WAS!) the link:

I got some good feedback, so I know someone out there actually saw it!

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