Wednesday 24 February 2016


I am finding myself getting agitated with the many sources of information and the reading volume.  It is becoming more difficult to sort out the information into something that will be easy and useful to my coworkers.  I am losing motivation for the reading.

In order to better regulate, I think I will apply the SRL technique of adapting instead of plowing on with reading.  Perhaps a little reward for my efforts is in order.  YouTube may be just the thing to help me maintain motivation and the feeling of progress I need to keep things flowing.

4th Scholarly Article

Reading this article took me back to my stats courses.  Not an easy read!  But very interesting that there is research going into creation of a measure of SFBT for use with clients. 

Grant, A. C., Cavanagh, M. J., Kleitman, S., Spence, G., Lakota, M., & Yu, N. (2012). Development and validation of the soution focused inventory. The Journal of Positive Psychology , 7 (4), 334-348.

 Things I want to remember:
  • good quote for problem-focused thinking, would contrast well against the SFBT positive thinking 
  • also good for disccussing current assessments available being very limited and limited research
  • the questions that make up the assessment could easily be adapted for less formal work with SFBT
  • not much on how to change one's approach using SFBT as a communication tool 

Sunday 21 February 2016

Scholarly Article #3

I just read the third article, which I thought would bridge the world of SFBT and SRL, but the research did not allow for useful information for me to use in the creation of a resource.  I think it would only cloud and confuse my message.

Saadatzaade, R., & Khalili, S. (2012). Effects of Solution - Focused Group Counseling on Student’s Self - Regulation and academic achievement. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education , 3 (3).

Things I want to remember:

  • Personalize goals- good potential quote page 4
  • Helplessness-good quote on page 4

Saturday 20 February 2016

Scholarly Article #2

My second article was

Bezanson, B.J. (2004).  The application of solution-focused work in employment counselling.  Journal of Employment Counselling, 41, 183-191.  

What I want to remember about this resource:

  • Acknowledges that the rapid changes in the world of work require a new approach
  • Has a really good preface, I might want to use this as a quote for what SFBT actually is 
  • Crisis of imagination thoughts were unique
What it doesn't address:
  • A sense of "how to" or process- my resources needs to have a sense of flow, not just SFBT ideas 


I just read the first scholarly article:
Miller, J. H. Building a solution focused strategy into career counselling. University of Canterbury. Christchurch: University of Canterbury.

Things I want to remember about the article for use in final project :

-GREAT sample questions
-constructivist principles and premises
-features of BSFT - future focus, stance of curiosity, positive expectation, client self-helpfulness
-3 Stages in process
-EARS approach
-Scaling Questions
-reflection break
-homework assignment

Limitations- where I need to work further
-auditory examples
-tool that is visual- a map or cheat sheet

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Old School... meet New School!

APA Style Citation.... I need to get into the swing of it.

You can tell how many years since my undergrad when I explain that I just discovered that MS Word has a "new" section for Works Cited that I can just populate by entering in data.  This is cool new learning.... well new to me, anyway!

Old School no more!!!

Got APA Style?

Apparently I am not very stylish... at least not when it comes to APA citation style.  I have come to the conclusion that I need some help in the form of resources.

I went to Chapters today and their single book on APA had 160 page but only 10 pages of APA.  What?  Forget that!  I am going to use some online resources instead and save the $40!

I found this Purdue University poster in Google Images that I think will be quite handy for quick reference.

Monday 15 February 2016

Getting To Know Me...

I am still testing ways to post my photos...
what better time to add my most recent family portrait!

To really know me, you have to know those I love:

Planning Blog- Proximal and Distal Goals

Notations imported from before blog was complete 

I am trying to think about  what I will need well into the future.  My major stumbling block now is the vision of using this for all the GDPI courses, and maybe onward to PME. 

I just discovered the feature of Labels and have set up a dummy GDPI801 Label to test ways of separating this course info from future course info....hmmm this could take a while.

Reflections:  I have come to the conclusion that I need to focus on more proximal goals.  The idea that it can all be changed at a later date prevails!

Sweating the Small Stuff?

Notations imported from before blog was ready for posts

This process is taking forever!!!!
I needed to stop and figure out why.  

Reflections:  I am way too concerned about the aesthetics of the site and all of the bells and whistles that I want it to have.  I tell myself that I must stop so that I don't over invest.  The course has more content this week and I need to move on from fronts, backgrounds and gadgets.

I fight this for a few more hours and two late nights have me exhausted and ready to given in.  

Blogs- Choices Become Overwhelming

Imported ideas from notes before blog was complete

Just like when I go out to dinner and the menu is too big...I am frustrated with platforms choices!

Wordpress, Weebly, Blogspot... I can't seem to find one I like.  
My past use of WordPress has me wanting to try something new rather than removing and retooling old content.

And, I am cheap, so I want the best for free..... maybe my expectations are too high!

My Previous Blog- Reflections on SRL Process

Funny SRL story...
I have already developed a blog, last time using WordPress.   I came to do this blog when I was involved in a local literacy partnership.  As part of the program, we were testing the use of competency portfolios as a motivational tool for clients.  In our community, we were testing employer and labour market applications of portfolios.

I had already taken Portfolio Development as a university course which earned me many transfer courses and, because my portfolio was successful, I was also asked to speak at a conference on Prior Learning Assessment.  So, I had already clearly identified that competencies, but was asked to continue to participate in order to evaluate the potential of the course.

As I became more involved in this college course, I became distracted and frustrated.  I already knew what was being taught and I felt that I needed to focus on learning I had not yet demonstrated.  Clearly the professor did not understand SRL and, even though I tried several times to dialogue about the NEW learning I wanted to focus on, she was having none of it.

In the end, we agreed to disagree.  She stuck to her script and, given that my motivation was to learn something new rather than to get a good grade or achieve credit, I continued to customize my learning experience.  She was not happy, but I remained engaged and used the opportunity to learn about blogging and how to leverage this concept, which was new at the time, to help me understand how to guide clients to do the same.

I failed the class.  And, yippee!  I also learned something new and important to me.

I love that I had the opportunity to live this SRL example.  What is great about it is how I can apply this deeper learning as I talk with my daughters (10 yrs and 12 yrs) about their goals and ambitions in academics.

Taking risks, adjusting my plan, having my motivations being fuelled by intrinsic motivation rather than teacher's validation.  These are all things that I have come to know as


Friday 5 February 2016

I Did it!

I think I am ready for ACTUAL work for GDPI now- lol!

Placeholder Post For Future Courses

This post is to test labels for other courses beyond GDPI800, like GDPI801

Bring it on!