Wednesday 24 February 2016

4th Scholarly Article

Reading this article took me back to my stats courses.  Not an easy read!  But very interesting that there is research going into creation of a measure of SFBT for use with clients. 

Grant, A. C., Cavanagh, M. J., Kleitman, S., Spence, G., Lakota, M., & Yu, N. (2012). Development and validation of the soution focused inventory. The Journal of Positive Psychology , 7 (4), 334-348.

 Things I want to remember:
  • good quote for problem-focused thinking, would contrast well against the SFBT positive thinking 
  • also good for disccussing current assessments available being very limited and limited research
  • the questions that make up the assessment could easily be adapted for less formal work with SFBT
  • not much on how to change one's approach using SFBT as a communication tool 

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