The first was about how the history of education has come to the current system having been conceived in different financial and cultural circumstances (Robinson). His animated talk called, "Changing Education Paradigms" showed how the current system is based on a factory model, conceived in a "production line mentality". I think what he was saying is that that model may have been right for those times, but that times change and it is time for a new model for a new global and changing economy.
Robinson when on to explain who education should be aesthetic, engaging the mind in a manner that is fully present and fully alive (Robinson). However, in the age of an ADHD epidemic (or as he calls it a "fictitious epidemic), we are medicating to subdue, rather than stimulate minds. This is so sad, given that, as Robinson states, we are living in a time of the greatest stimulation every known.
The second Ted Talk was another featuring Robinson, called "Do Schools Kill Creativity". I really liked this talk because it highlighted how children begin school with massive creativity and divergent thinking, but then become progressively less able to tap into these internal forces.
Robinson hypothesized that we are "educating children out of creativity" (Robinson). Some of the reasons for this trend were lack of acceptance of being wrong or taking chances. He also noted that teachers need to see the creativity and foster it, rather than forcing the creativity out in favour of meeting standardized guidelines.
My reflection on both Ted Talks lead to more questions (as always!):
How do we teach the curriculum expected while fostering creativity?
How do we undo the knots created in the creative flow in order to inspire divergent thinking?
How do we deal with the benchmarks of standardized testing in order to show that divergent thinking does not come at the cost of the academic achievement that needs to be demonstrated?
Robinson, Ken. (2010). Changing education paradigms. Ted Talk.
Robinson, Ken. (2006). Do schools kill creativity? Ted Talk.